Monday, June 26, 2023

Graduation Day - May 6, 2023!!!

Alexander Amosa Graduation WSU 2023


     After three years of hard work, I am finally a college graduate!  A few years before I retired from the Navy in 2020, my plan was that when I retired, I would attend college as a full-time student.  I have always wanted to be a college graduate for two reasons.  The first reason was a personal goal of mine.  Education is important to me, and I wanted to see how my personal experiences as an older student would translate into the college experience.  The second reason why I wanted a college degree was to be a role model to my nieces and nephews.  I wanted to show them that no matter what point in life you are at, it's never too late to learn.  

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    I'm so ready for football season!! The Seahawks are playing the Whiners this year on Thanksgiving Day in Seattle!!!  I'm serious...