Monday, June 26, 2023

Xena Gabrielle

Alexander Amosa Xena 1

Alexander Amosa

Alexander Amosa


  Here is my baby girl, Xena Gabrielle!  She was born on January 26, 2018.  A co-worker of mine told me that his dog gave birth to a litter of puppies.  A few weeks later he said that he was able to sell all of the puppies except for one.  He then said that he was going to surrender the puppy to the Humane Society.  I was heartbroken.  I already had my beagle, Scooter.  I wasn't sure if I was ready for another dog, but I couldn't imagine a puppy going to the HS.  I told the guy that I would take her and in March 2018 Xena came home.  

  Xena is half St. Bernard, half Great Pyrenes.  She is definitely one of those big dogs who doesn't realize that she's a big dog.  She has no perception of space.  Her eyes get me all the time.  She always looks sad, until she starts to pant or bark.  Xena is such an easy dog to take care of.  She loves to lounge around all day.  She's super independent! She will let you know when she wants some cuddles or attention.  Most of the time she likes to be left alone.  

  When Xena came home, she was the new little sister to my beagle, Scooter.  Scooter was already 7 years old and was used to being the only dog.  Xena changed all that and would always want to play with Scooter.  Scooter went from being curious, to playful, and then it was clear that Scooter was down right annoyed by Xena...LOL.  As a puppy, Xena loved to play and Scooter wasn't always up for it.  Fast forward to 2022 and the roles were now reversed.  Xena is the big sister to our Treeing Walker Coonhound, Xola.  More to come on their relationship in a different post.....

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    I'm so ready for football season!! The Seahawks are playing the Whiners this year on Thanksgiving Day in Seattle!!!  I'm serious...